广州柏悦酒店任命JAKOB HIRSCHMANN先生为新任总经理
中国、广东、广州 (2024年7月1日)—— 广州柏悦酒店于2024年7月1日宣布任命Jakob Hirschmann贺思文先生为新任总经理。自去年12月起,贺思文先生担任酒店经理一职,积累了丰富的运营经验。
谈及在广州柏悦酒店担任的新角色和未来,贺思文先生信心满怀,“我期待为柏悦酒店故事注入新的活力,并与我的团队携手打造崭新的服务特色。”他强调,“这些创新举措与柏悦品牌创始人Jay Pritzker的愿景不谋而合,旨在营造一种富有内涵而极致非凡的酒店体验,推崇高雅的艺术、精致的美食与佳酿,并为宾客提供贴心周到的个性化服务。”
Guangzhou, China (July 1, 2024) – Park Hyatt Guangzhou is delighted to announce the appointment of Jakob Hirschmann as General Manager of the Hotel, effective today. Jakob has served as Hotel Manager since December last year.
Hailing from Germany, Jakob, the eldest of three brothers, grew up in Munich and was fortunate to explore the world with his family already at a young age. “From Europe to the vast plains of Africa, from the most beautiful beaches in the Indian Ocean to the skyscrapers of America’s megacities, travel in my childhood had a major impact on me,” he recalls.
Jakob began his hospitality career in 2005 as an apprentice at InterContinental Berchtesgaden, and spent his foundational years in some of Europe's finest hotels. Jakob's professional journey continued across continents with some of the most admired brands such as Rocco Forte Hotels, Capella Hotels, Regent Hotels and Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, in both urban and resort settings, ranging from intimate boutique properties with as few as 47 rooms to sprawling integrated resorts with close to 3,000 rooms. Jakob is deeply rooted in the world of luxury hospitality and his passion for excellence has earned Forbes Travel Guide Five Star ratings at multiple properties throughout his career.
Jakob is enthusiastic about his new role and the future of Park Hyatt Guangzhou. “I look forward to breathing life into our refreshed hotel story, and to introducing, together with my team, our new service signatures.” says Jakob about his priorities for the hotel. “These initiatives wonderfully align with Jay Pritzker's original vision for the Park Hyatt brand to create an intimate hotel experience that celebrates fine art, delicious food and wine, and truly personalized service.”
Beyond his professional accolades, Jakob's personal journey is equally captivating. An ambassador of diversity, he is married to Akina, born in Tokyo to Chinese parents, embodying a harmonious fusion of traditions and cultures that enrich his perspective on hospitality and care for others.